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Maintainers' Guide

This is the grimoire of arcane knowledge covering the overall organization of the Lexical monorepo, including its conventions, quirks, and configurations.

Monorepo Organization


The top-level package.json uses npm workspaces to configure the monorepo. This mostly means that all packages share a top-level package-lock.json and npm run {command} -w {package} is often used to run a command from a nested package's package.json.


Some packages in the monorepo do not get published to npm, for example:

  • packages/lexical-devtools - browser extension for working with Lexical sites
  • packages/lexical-playground - the demo site
  • packages/lexical-website - the docusaurus website that you may even be reading right now
  • packages/shared - internal code that is used by more than one repository but should not be a public API

It is required that these packages, and any other package that should not be published to npm, have a "private": true property in their package.json. If you have an in-progress package that will eventually be public, but is not ready for consumption, it should probably still be set to "private": true otherwise the tooling will find it and publish it.

Package naming conventions


Directory namepackages/lexical-package-name
Flow typespackages/lexical-package/flow/LexicalPackageName.js.flow
package.json name@lexical/package-name
Unit Testspackages/lexical-package-name/src/__tests__/unit/LexicalPackageName.test.{ts,tsx}
dist (gitignore'd build product)packages/lexical-package-name/dist
npm (gitignore'd prerelease product)packages/lexical-package-name/npm
www entrypointpackages/lexical-package-name/LexicalPackageName.js

Multiple module export (@lexical/react)

Instead of having a single module, some packages may have many modules (currently only @lexical/react) that are each exported separately. In that scenario, there should be no index.ts entrypoint file and every module at the top-level should be an entrypoint. All entrypoints should be a TypeScript file, not a subdirectory containing an index.ts file.

The update-packages script will ensure that the exports match the files on disk.

Creating a new package

The first step in creating a new package is to create the workspace, there is a npm-init template that will fill in some of the defaults for you based on conventions.

The example we will use is the steps that were used to create the lexical-eslint-plugin, which will be published to npm as @lexical/eslint-plugin.

Create the workspace

npm init -w packages/lexical-eslint-plugin

This only automates the first step, creating a single file:


"name": "@lexical/eslint-plugin",
"description": "",
"keywords": [
"version": "0.14.3",
"license": "MIT",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+",
"directory": "packages/lexical-eslint-plugin"
"main": "LexicalEslintPlugin.js",
"types": "index.d.ts",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": ""

Some next steps for this package.json before moving on:

  • Update the description
  • Add appropriate keywords

Create the initial source file

mkdir -p packages/lexical-eslint-plugin/src
code packages/lexical-eslint-plugin/src/index.ts

Here are some minimal examples of those files that you might start out with. I've elided the license header, the eslint header/header fixer will help you with that!


import {name, version} from '../package.json';

const plugin = {
meta: {name, version},
rules: {},

export default plugin;

Run update-packages to generate boilerplate docs & config

npm run update-packages

This will set up the tsconfig, flow, etc. configuration to recognize your new module. It will also create an initial using only the description from the package.json.

Create an initial unit test

mkdir -p packages/lexical-eslint-plugin/src/__tests__/unit
code packages/lexical-eslint-plugin/src/__tests__/unit/LexicalEslintPlugin.test.ts


import plugin from '@lexical/eslint-plugin';

describe('LexicalEslintPlugin', () => {
it('exports a plugin with meta and rules', () => {
expect(Object.keys(plugin).sort()).toMatchObject(['meta', 'rules']);

Scripts for development

npm run update-packages

This script runs: update-version, update-tsconfig, update-flowconfig, create-docs, and create-www-stubs. This is safe to do at any time and will ensure that package.json files are all at the correct versions, paths are set up correctly for module resolution of all public exports, and that various defaults are filled in.

These scripts can be run individually, but unless you're working on one of these scripts you might as well run them all.

npm run prepare-release

This runs all of the pre-release steps and will let you inspect the artifacts that would be uploaded to npm. Each public package will have a npm directory, e.g. packages/lexical/npm that contains those artifacts.

npm run ci-check

Check flow, TypeScript, prettier and eslint for issues. A good command to run after committing (which will auto-fix most prettier issues) and before pushing a PR.

npm run flow

Check the Flow types

npm run tsc

Check the TypeScript types

npm run tsc-extension

Check the TypeScript types of the lexical-devtools extension

npm run test-unit

Run the unit tests

npm run lint

Run eslint

Scripts for release managers

npm run increment-version

Increment the monorepo version. Make sure to run npm run update-packages after this.

npm run extract-codes

Extract error codes for the production build. Essential to run before a release.

npm run changelog

Update the changelog from git history.

npm run release

Prerequisites: all of the previous release manager scripts, plus creating a tag in git, and likely other steps.

Runs prepare-release to do a full build and then uploads to npm.